About Us
Opening Hours
9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
(Closed weekends & public holidays)
Out of hours access can be arranged by prior appointment.
Established in 1993, Wudinna & Districts Telecentre Inc. is a self-funding community owned resource centre that offers a wide range of services to the local and surrounding communities.
Our aim is to provide quality, friendly and professional services within our rural and remote community with access to a wide range of services within the local area without having to travel to larger centres.
The Committee and Coordinator are voluntary and have succeeded in establishing a centre that provides employment opportunities in our community.
Who we are
You will be greeted by our friendly staff members, Lexie, Jo and Jemma
who will tend to your enquiries and bookings, and assist you with our wide range of services.
The running of the business is overseen by the Wudinna & Districts Telecentre Inc Committee. All positions on the committee are strictly voluntary. The committee meets 3-6 times per year to discuss any issues that may have arisen and any other agenda items.
Our AGM is held annually in December, with local community members welcome to attend.